Hooray for Ken Williams!
Yesterday, White Sox GM Kenny Williams called out a washed up, fat bastard. I mean, Frank Thomas. He called Frank an idiot, a whiner, and that no one in the clubhouse or management would miss him. He also made Thomas look like an even bigger chump, saying the owner had to borrow Frank money numerous times. This is a man who has had a couple decent sized contract in his life, and he had to ask another man for money? How weak! For the last 5 years Thomas has been nothing but a cancer in the clubhouse even though the White Sox have tried to treat him like part of the team. Is it their fault you got hurt every year and showed up 50 pounds overweight? I appreciate the fact that someone finally called out one these overpaid babies and told them exactly what they thought. More GM's should have the kahones and do this. Hooray for Williams for finally doing what needed to be done!
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