Monday, January 30, 2006

A Simple Plea: Watch College Basketball!

For those of you who still like the NBA I urge you to watch college basketball for the a change. Although I do agree Kobe's 81 was outrageous, it was the best moment in the NBA since Micheal. The NBA is dead and will never return to its golden era of Micheal, Magic, and Larry. Rivalries are non-existent and defense, well lets not talk about defense because in the NBA they don't play any. And if you think the low scores are an indication of defense, you are sadly uninformed. Shooting percentages are down, and the younger teams get, fundamentals are no longer a part of basketball. I guess if you like big egos, refusal to play team play, an unexcited fan base, and absolutely horrible basketball, watch the NBA. But if you want to be entertained by kids with heart, rivalries, (see Duke-North Carolina, Minnesota-Wisconsin), crazy crowds who paint their bodies and yell all game long, than watch college basketball. I realize the names might not be as familiar as the NBA, but believe me they are worth getting to know. Start by watching Big Monday tonight on ESPN, and continue throughout the week. If your mind isn't changed about college over the pros, maybe you need to go back to college and get a real education!


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